![]() ![]() By Bell If one is to attempt any account of the late Dalai Lama, the thirteenth in the order of succession, he should begin by explaining what a Dalai Lama is. How did he come into existence? The Tibetan religion is Buddhism, modified to suit Tibetan needs. Therefore like other Buddhists and all Hindus, they believe in the transmigration of the souls of men and animals in rebirth and after rebirth on what is called 'The Wheel of Life,' or more accurately, 'The Cycle of Transmigratory Existence.' The magistrate of this district was only a pony in his last existence, but he was faithful, and even died to save his master's life. Accordingly in the present existence he had gained great advancement. This sickly sheep, lying on the plain there — probably a wolf will get him tonight was the magistrate of a district in his last life, but he used his power unjustly, reducing innocent people to beggary; his punishment fits his crime. Indeed had he not died young, before he had committed further sins, he might have been consigned to one of the hells, and remained there for five hundred years or more, until his sins were expiated. This is karma, the doctrine of retribution; it governs all, pervades all. From it there is no escape. "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Thus all beings, i.e. human beings, animals, etc., go up or down. But their ultimate aim is to pass out these existences altogether by attaining Buddhahood. That can be done only by leading life after life in conformity with the high principles of the Buddhist religion. Then such a one is delivered from the cycle, and enters into the state of Nirvana, or as Tibetans call it 'Passed Beyond Sorrow.' He need return no more. According to tradition, Gotama was offered the choice of being a World Conqueror or a religious mendicant evolving into the Buddha. He chose religious poverty rather than great wealth and worldly sovereignty. So did Christ. But here a whole nation did so — Tibet. Has any nation stood on this high level? A number of leading Mongols were converted into Tibetan Buddhism by the third high priest, and it is to him that the effective conversion of Mongolia is due. He received from them the Mongolian title of 'Dalai Lama' i.e. All 'Embracing Lama', a title enjoyed by all his successors, and extended to his predecessors. Dalai is pronounced almost like Tarley (rhymes with barley), and almost like Tully (rhymes with gully); in fact between the two. Tibetans, however, are more inclined to use their own titles, for example, "The Precious Protector," "The Precious Sovereign," "The Priest Officer," "The Presence," and "The Inmost One." The Dalai Lama is also regarded as an Incarnation or Emanation of Chen-r-ezi, the patron deity of Tibet, himself one of those who will pass into Buddhahood later on. Such a one is known in India as Bodhisattava, this word meaning one who is in process of obtaining but has not yet obtained Buddhahood. The Dalai Lama postpones his entry into Buddhahood in order to alleviate the sufferings of the world. It is always been one of the cardinal rules that the Dalai Lama should be brought up entirely by the male sex. Celibacy in the strictest sense in their road, and they tread it from the first. So far as we know, they have never strayed from that road, except in one instance, the sixth in the line. And when a Dalai Lama dies, or as the Tibetans say, "goes to the Honourable Field," by what means is his successor known? He does not succeed as a King succeeds, for a celibate priest can have no son. He is not chosen as a President or a Pope is chosen; it is not a matter for selection at all. It is a question of discovering where he is, for has he not promised to return to his helpless flock? |